Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Hour I Lost Is NOT Under The Sofa

The worst thing about paranormal investigating, for me, is that I'm a zombie the next day from lack of sleep. Yesterday's investigation was worse than normal because I had to drive over two hours to Clayton, Georgia (which is up near Tallulah Falls), investigate for four hours, drive back two hours, and lose an hour due to the time change. So, the unfortunate effect of all of this is that I have literally lost a day because it went by too fast (lost an hour) and I was sleep-walking most of the time.

At any rate, I'll stop whining, because I know you've been working your tail off over in Ireland with nary a bit of decent sleep. Thanks again for getting me a real, honest-to-goodness, Irish sweater! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a good, freezing-cold Blackberry Winter sometime in the next two months so I can wear it. When I go to Hawai'i this summer, I'll get you whatever you want. Even a scantily-clad young Polynesian man who juggles fire.

Seriously. I'll bubble-wrap him and everything.

The cul-de-sac has been quiet this weekend, although I've barely been here. The only bit of news is that Dharmesh has pneumonia. Poor thing. Amelia lost another tooth ($2 bill from the tooth fairy - because we're cheap AND weird) and Heath officially had strep (the pediatrician called the next day and said the 24-hour culture tested positive) and is on the mend. Jarrod received a form stripe on his white belt (whatever that means) and I'll be jumping back on the exercise wagon this week which means I'll be whimpering by Tuesday.

I've been keeping on top of Systems Atlanta's Twitter account. What's funny is that I sent an email to all the business development people explaining, "It's a microblogging site. Everything is limited to 140 characters, blah, blah, blah." So, the Business Development Manager sent me a tweet today to push out for him... and it was 190 characters long. GAH!!!!!! I think I spent, no joke, 30 minutes trying to shrink the damned thing down but still make it understandable.

Me: I need to get paid for an hour of work on Sunday.
Tyler: Why?
Me: I was on "The Twitter" tweeting a tweet.
Tyler: Just one tweet?
Me: Just one.
Tyler: You're such a Twitter tweeting twat. Take your money and shut up.

Well, I'm off to bed so that I can NOT sleepwalk tomorrow. MISS YOUR CRAZY FACE!!!! And, of course, I mentioned "scantily-clad young Polynesian man who juggles fire" and I had to go Google that shit. You're welcome.

Slán, ya'll!

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