Saturday, June 25, 2016

Kids are Home...

... and my short four-day summer vacay is over.


Yesterday, we traveled to Suches to see the kids' play. They did a mini, 45-minute version of Lion King, Jr. As I think I said in a previous post, Heath was Banzai (the hyena voiced by Cheech Marin in the movie), Jarrod was Ed (the cross-eyed hyena that just laughed), and Amelia was a zebra. And they all did so great! Here's their picture:

That makeup was a BITCH to get off! They all still look like they have grey eyeshadow on. It will probably be another week before it completely comes off. I should probably take them to the pool and let them scrub it off there. YOUR HOA DOLLARS AT WORK, PEOPLE!

The saga with Lindsay finally ended on a good note. After a couple more email exchanges (I won't bore you here - you can read them when you get home) I finally got her to admit that it was creepy to have complete strangers come over to pray for us, with no warning. And I'm pretty sure she got the message to not do it again.

So far, so good, your plants are all alive. I'm sure Rachel told you that her marigold is on my porch with my marigolds. I figured they could hang and do marigold things together. No buds or blossoms as of yet, but I'm keeping my eyes peeled for any!

Currently, the weather in Woodstock has been:

Yeah. Who needs an oven when you've got OUTSIDE?!? I'm REALLY hoping that 50% chance of rain for Monday comes through. It's utterly miserable and I would like one day off from watering my plants.

Current cul-de-sac news:
  • The Shockeys are still AWOL. I think the Weltz (is that right?) son is looking after their house. I've seen him go over a few times and I saw him walk Peaches yesterday. So, the dog is here. He finally put the garbage can back by the house today. Other than that, no change.
  • Mark watered his grass.
  • The Champs (aka Parbhoo house infiltrators) have finished whatever it is they were doing to their back yard. I went running on Wednesday and the wife smiled at me as a I went past. So, I got that going for me.
  • The Mixers have not sold their house. The inevitable cry-fest is being delayed until the sale and for that, I'm grateful.
  • Your house is still standing. Precariously.
  • Josephine got her ears pierced.
  • As I'm typing this, a large man in plaid flannel PJ bottoms, t-shirt, and flip-flops is running a black standard poodle down the street toward the 'sac. I'm kind of frightened. Now he's running back up the street. His wife is trailing after him. Is this some sort of weird fitness thing that's trending? If so, I want no part of it.
  • Amelia wants a pig.
And that's about it.


Da Bears, Ya'll!

PS This is my favorite news story of the week. ( Bask in the glory! MANGLED APRICOT HELLBEAST!!!

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