Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Honk 12 Times in the 'Sac If You Hate Me!

Yep. You read that right. After writing my last post, literally as I folded up my notebook, set it on the table, and sighed with contentment...

the Shockeys re-invaded the 'sac.


What I don't understand is that they have four cars. FOUR! Now, granted, one is a two-seater pickup-truck. So, THREE!!! Three cars in which all four of them will fit. And yet, they rented a small SUV (Not even anything big - I mean, if I'm going to rent an SUV for a road trip, I'm gonna be a damned baller and get me an Escalade. Just call me Kobe Dobson.) with Chuck and Janice up front and the twins in the back. WTF?!? Chuck honked that damned horn 10 times in the span of an hour that evening. And then the twins double-honked the Jeep yesterday.

I swear to Iron Man that I'm going to go over there one night and disconnect ALL their car horns. Somehow. Someway. It will require wire cutters and the perfect black outfit, but it will happen.

So, it rained. Barely. And, I mean, the clouds were all ominous and threatening and Mother Nature was all, "Meh. Here's your two ounce sprinkle." Bitch. In the meantime, my pretty pink and yellow succulent that's nearest to your house was chewed on by something last night. Half the pretty stalks have been torn off. It went from being this beautiful plant to something that is cock-eyed and just pitiful. I'll have to bring it in each night, I suppose.

Tyler stayed home from work yesterday and helped me take the kids to the pool. (FYI, the apocalypse is probably upon us and you may want to kiss your butt good-bye.) It was nice having him here and I'm trying to think up ways to get him to do it for the rest of the Mondays this summer.

Andy is back to being the neighborhood watch cat. After a several-month hiatus during which time he took up residence on the back of the family room couch, he's now back to spying on the neighbors. And by "spying on the neighbors" I mean "staring at the insides of his eyelids." Absolutely worthless.

The best news, though? It seems I've attracted more than squirrels and chipmunks with my peanut/corn offerings. Crows, baby. I've got crows coming to feast! There was a murder in the front yard this morning (I LOVE saying that) and three of them were cawing. Tyler bitched. I giggled. SOON, THE CROWS WILL SEE ME AS THEIR MASTER AND DO MY BIDDING!!! IT'S LIKE I'M ALFRED HITCHCOCK OR SOME SHIT!!! MWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

And, that's it from the 'sac. Da Bears, Ya'll!

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